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Recopilation of tools for data augmentation with videos


Recopilation of tools for data augmentation with videos


Just download the file, copy it in your working directory and use:

import video_augmentation as va

Now everything is set to use all the functionalities of the repository!

Try, for example, the following code:

import video_augmentation as va

## Folders
input_dir = "data/"
# input_file = "data/example.mp4" # TODO
input_format = "mp4"

output_dir = "data/augmented/"
output_format = "mp4" # Also accepts "avi"

## Booleans
save_video = False # Save the video in output_dir?
show_size = True # Show the size of the video in the title?
show_video = True # Show the video at all?
slow = True # Play the video at real rate or at opencv speed?

## Other parameters
seconds_before_action = 0 # Seconds before watching the video

### Execution
va.augmentate(input_dir, output_dir, input_format, output_format, show_video, save_video, slow, show_size, seconds_before_action, ["aff"])

What can you do with this repository?

For now, take a look at the Quickstart section or try running the example.

Work in progress


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